How to remove incorrect dates/data from the database

Started by KindOne

How to remove incorrect dates/data from the database   31 March 2023, 15:43

A while ago I changed the date/time of my computer twice while NetWorx was running.

I've opened NetWorx.db3 in dbeaver (while NetWorx was closed) and I found my incorrect dates in the USAGE table:
9842	1	1	2020-07-31	19	13601987	55938480
9843	1	1	2011-01-01	19	249554		585685
9844	1	1	2020-07-31	20	492901		886965

10989	1	1	2020-09-28	2	4043281		18915736
10990	1	1	2003-01-08	2	4260776		38570974
10991	1	1	2003-01-08	3	6023729		118633959
10992	1	1	2020-09-28	3	1749692		899850

Can I remove these incorrect rows or would that possible cause any sort of issues?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to remove incorrect dates/data from the database   31 March 2023, 17:59

It is generally safe to delete them. But before doing that I recommend running this command:
PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;
This will enable foreign key enforcement, so any deletion will also remove any linked data from other tables.

Re: How to remove incorrect dates/data from the database   31 March 2023, 21:10

It worked. Thanks.

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