SoftPerfect NetWorx

"Unable to open the database file" on macOS

Started by Slava


"Unable to open the database file" on macOS   04 May 2023, 10:47


I just tried to run NetWorx on macOS and got this message:

The database location '/Users/Shared/Library/Preferences/SoftPerfect/NetWorx' is not writable or does not exist. NetWorx will use a temporary in-memory database whose contents will disappear upon exiting the application!

Unable to open the database file: unable to open database file

Same message I got when I ran RAM Disk:

Unable to create file "/Users/Shared/Library/Preferences/SoftPerfect/RAM Disk/ramdisk.ini":Permission denied

This is a new account on the laptop with admin permissions, and previously RAM Disk was installed under a different user.

NetWorx was just installed and under this new user.

Looks like I need your advice.

Thank you!

SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: "Unable to open the database file" on macOS   04 May 2023, 10:52

It looks like there is some kind of permissions issue.

Please try opening the Terminal and typing:
sudo chmod -R 777 /Users/Shared/Library

You may need your admin password to execute this command. This will reset permissions on every directory within the path and hopefully fix the issue.
Thank you for the workaround. It solved the issue and now both applications started without any issue.

"SQL error or missing database" on macOS   14 July 2023, 14:14

Similar error with the latest version of NetWorx on MacOS (M2)


The database location '/Users/Shared/Library/Preferences/SoftPerfect/NetWorx' is not writable or does not exist. NetWorx will use a temporary in-memory database whose contents will disappear upon exiting the application!

SQL error or missing database: table PEER_USAGE already exists

The sudo chmod command did not help.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: "SQL error or missing database" on macOS   14 July 2023, 15:44

This is a different issue unrelated to file permissions and it looks like a damaged database. The best course of action would be to delete the database, so a new empty database will be created and you can start over.

For that, simply type in the Terminal:
rm -rf /Users/Shared/Library/Preferences/SoftPerfect/NetWorx

Re: "SQL error or missing database" on macOS   14 July 2023, 16:50

After removing the NetWorx folder from Library the App is working fine, but as soon as I try to restore the database DB file (did a backup in Windows) the same error persists.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: "SQL error or missing database" on macOS   14 July 2023, 17:25

Please compress your database file to a ZIP file and send it to us via our Contact Centre. We will have a look and see if it can be repaired.

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