Hourly usage report

Started by Tom


Hourly usage report   25 March 2024, 10:36

I've tried both NetGenius and NetWorx and either comes so close to what I need.

My ISP says I'm using big chunks of my data in the middle of the night. I need to see which app, if any, used how much during say 1am to 3am. Your reports only show by day. I could scroll through the graph, but it only scales by minute and it would be very cumbersome to scroll through hours and then it wouldn't give me a total. Does your program store raw data someplace, so that I could extract more granular data or some other way to get what I need?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Hourly usage report   25 March 2024, 10:50

NetWorx supports detailed drill-down reports from both the day and application levels.
Simply select a specific day or application with excessive usage, and then drill down to identify the exact day and time when that usage occurred.

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