Speed Meter button is disabled (greyed out)

Started by GibbsBR

Speed Meter button is disabled (greyed out)   22 May 2024, 05:24


I cannot use the Speed Meter. It's disabled (greyed out). I even tried to uninstall and reinstall, but to no avail.

I'm monitoring a device, not apps. https://speed.cloudflare.com/ is working fine from the Chrome browser

I'm using Networx 7.1.6
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Speed Meter button is disabled (greyed out) - Fixed   22 May 2024, 11:13

Thank you for reporting this issue. It appears that CloudFlare has enforced the use of SSL (HTTPS) for speed testing.

We have just updated NetWorx so that it will use HTTPS for speed testing from now on.

Please download the latest build from NetWorx homepage and install it over your current installation. Speed testing should then work fine again.
I am no longer able to run Speed Meter since 22 May and I've discovered the reason from your reply above. I'm using version 6.2.10 and very happy with its performance except for Speed Meter being disabled. Does this mean I need to download the most recent software version and purchase another license key to regain the use of Speed Meter?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Speed Meter button is disabled (greyed out)   26 May 2024, 18:37

Unfortunately, yes, the only way to get the speed meter to work again is to update to the latest version.

Please check the period of included updates in the application's About window. If your updates have expired, you will need to renew your licence to use the latest version.

There is a 50% discount on licence renewals. If you can't find a special link within the app, please drop us a line, and we'll email you a discount code.

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