Downtime monitoring suddenly stopped

Started by Roel


Downtime monitoring suddenly stopped   04 June 2024, 12:24

Short question: the connection monitor stopped, while the speed test continued until now.
I do not understand why. See attachment.

It properly solved by closing NetWorx and starting it again, but then I cannot show you. It it a bug? Please advise.


SoftPerfect support forum
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Downtime monitoring suddenly stopped   04 June 2024, 12:26

It seems that your connection monitor window was left open. The connection monitor runs in the background and continues to track uptime/downtime, but it doesn't refresh the window while it remains open.

In your screenshot, the last recorded data point is from May 30, and the uptime since then is 105 hours, which corresponds to approximately four additional days, bringing it to the current date. By reopening the Connection Monitor, the missing ping records for May 31, and June 1-3 should be displayed.

There is no need to keep either the Speed Meter or the Connection Monitor window open continuously. Both speed testing and connection monitoring will continue to operate in the background.

To prevent this confusion in the future, we will update NetWorx application so that the Connection Monitor window refreshes every hour.

Re: Downtime monitoring suddenly stopped   04 June 2024, 12:33

Right diagnostics! Indeed I have both connection time and speed meter active/open. Because I thought I had to.

I closed and reopened the connection Monitor as you guessed: it updated everything until now.

Good solution to refresh automatically and I will close both windows. And if I am interested in that data, I will open them again.

* Remark: Connection Monitor window has the minimise and [x] close buttons, but Speed Meter has only the [x] close. Should I use [x] Close in both for background monitoring?

Thanks for your prompt reply and have a nice day,
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Downtime monitoring suddenly stopped   04 June 2024, 12:34

Thank you for your feedback.

That's a good point. We will change the Speed Meter window to a standard window with [Min/Max/Close] buttons. This change will be included in the next release of NetWorx.

In the meantime, you can freely open and close the Speed Meter and Connection Monitor. This will not affect the actual monitoring as it is done in the background.

Re: Downtime monitoring suddenly stopped   04 June 2024, 12:37

Good to read.

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