Taskbar graph stopped working with StartAllBack

Started by Max33Verstappen

Taskbar graph stopped working with StartAllBack   21 September 2024, 21:32

The taskbar graph of the new version of NetWorx (the timestamp of the ".exe" is 9/17) no longer works with StartAllBack, which is very sad as they worked for me together without a glitch for years. And with StartAllBack, the taskbar graph of NetWorx never suffered the problems like "drawing over widgets" or something else because of the change from Windows itself.
I had to revert back to the previous version (timestamp 9/9).

I think the change to avoid "drawing over widgets" is what caused this incompatibility. NetWorx shows the "Invalid window handle" error message when trying to draw the taskbar graph.

With the default Windows taskbar, if it's filled with app icons, the graph is not drawn (no spare place to draw?) and NetWorx won't shrink the app icon list on the taskbar. But with StartAllBack, I have never had this issue. I hope you can find a way to let them work together.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Taskbar graph stopped working with StartAllBack - Fixed   21 September 2024, 23:21

Thank you for reporting this issue.

The current NetWorx design is supposed to use the new implementation for the Windows 11 stock taskbar, and the old classic implementation for all other cases, including when third-party taskbar enhancements (such as StartAllBack) are used. However, due to a small oversight, the graph was not initialised properly when a non-stock taskbar was in use.

We have now fixed this issue, so please try the new builds and let us know how it works for you.

Re: Taskbar graph stopped working with StartAllBack - Fixed   21 September 2024, 23:36

Thanks. The new version fixes the problem.

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