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Re: Additional cache folders

3 years ago, by GFx in RAM Disk Forum

Hi Florin, I am just trying out RAM DISK in general and your question made total sense to me. I saw Andrew's response, but I am wondering where this went for you and if you found a reliable and convenient way to deal with redirecting and managing the many other possible cache folders successfully? And if yes, how. I have been imaging it would be beneficial to redirect temp stores and cache

How to use RAMDisk for suspended browser tab session data

3 years ago, by GFx in RAM Disk Forum

I have just downloaded the RAM Disk trial and the Cache Redirector to give them a try for my browser cache. Looks like a great idea. It got me wondering if and how to use RAM disk for browser extensions that store temp data. For example tab session managers that auto or manually suspend tabs temporarily. I regularly have ~50 tabs open as I do research, and save sets of tabs for later use. I see