SoftPerfect Network Scanner

Feature request: Create filter with right-click

Started by BogBeast

Feature request: Create filter with right-click   06 October 2020, 20:54


I find myself filtering quite a lot. Would it be possible to add a feature that allows the creation of a filter via right-click?
See attached.
So I could right click on a value in a column, and create and apply a filter with that value applied. If that makes sense.

open | download – Filter.png (85.7 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Feature request: Create filter with right-click   06 October 2020, 21:32

Great idea, thanks! We will get this done tomorrow and I will then post an update here.

Re: Feature request: Create filter with right-click   06 October 2020, 21:54

Many thanks
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Feature request: Create filter with right-click   07 October 2020, 15:10

Done. We've added a new menu item for instant filter creation using the selected row and column. You can download the new builds here.

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: Feature request: Create filter with right-click   07 October 2020, 22:39

Thankyou Andrew, works a treat!

I notice that you seem to have a Mac (andrews-imac.local smile ) - Is there any plan for feature parity between the Mac and Windows versions?

I heavily use the applications option to run scripts against the hosts on my network, and my Mac-toting friends don't have that option. They are entirely jealous.....
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Feature request: Create filter with right-click   08 October 2020, 09:42

At the moment the macOS build is a completely separate application that is no longer maintained. Instead we have been working on a new macOS implementation that will be based on the same code as the Windows version. There is no release date yet, but should be early next year.

Having said that, some features like WMI, PowerShelll and VBScript are Windows-specific and cannot be ported across. We may be able to use something cross-platform like Python or LUA instead.

Re: Feature request: Create filter with right-click   05 November 2020, 06:59

What BogBeast said....

Definitely interested in buying the MacOS version when available smile

Re: Feature request: Create filter with right-click   12 November 2020, 14:47

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Feature request: Create filter with right-click   12 November 2020, 16:18

In that case we'll be able to use it on macOS if it's installed. It's essentially just running a PowerShell executable, feeding it the script/command and reading the output.

I wonder how complete that macOS PowerShell is. It's likely that Windows-only features like WMI are not available in the macOS version.

Re: Feature request: Create filter with right-click   13 November 2020, 15:21

Unfortunately I don't own a Mac so I cannot tell you. I would assume you are right all the WMI stuff will not be there. Nice that some of the powershell features will be available.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Feature request: Create filter with right-click   20 January 2021, 10:32

We have published the new version of the Network Scanner for macOS. Now its Windows and macOS versions are built upon the same source code and are much closer in their functionality. Please download the latest Network Scanner for macOS and share your feedback or report any bugs in this forum topic or or via our help desk.

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