Network Scanner version 8: User feedback

Started by Andrew

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Network Scanner version 8: User feedback   29 January 2021, 16:42

Following several months of work, we are happy to announce Network Scanner v8.0. Its main theme is macOS support. Now both macOS and Windows versions are built from the same code and share more features.

There aren't many new features for the Windows version other than a new option to use built-in SMB library instead of the Windows implementation. Under the hood, however, the application has undergone a lot of changes and optimisations and it now starts much faster. A few user-supplied items may need to be updated:
  • Options - Remote JSON: The new JSON Path engine requires explicit $ as the JSON root element. For example BiosVersion becomes $.BiosVersion.
  • Options - Remote XML and NMap: The new XML engine supports slightly different syntax when selecting a single element in a group. For example (//osclass/@type)[1] becomes //osclass/@type[1].
  • Regular expressions run on a new cross-platform engine as well. While the new engine should be compatible with the old, some complex expressions may stop working or change their behaviour. In this case they will need to be adjusted on case-by-case basis.

For macOS users, it is an entirely new product, very close in functionality to its Windows kin. We did a lot of testing, so version 8 is expected to be stable, though small bugs may still be present. If you encounter any bugs, please let us know!

Everyone is very welcome to download the latest version of Network Scanner and share your feedback wink

Re: Network Scanner version 8.0   01 February 2021, 16:47

Wonderful news!!
Thank you team Softperfect! You are the best!

Re: Network Scanner version 8.0   03 February 2021, 11:15

Dear All,
If you try to open a device with an IPv6 address, the Network Scanner tries to invoke an address like this:
which fails. The IPv6 address needs to be enclosed in square brackets, like this:

PS: I am using Chrome as browser
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Network Scanner version 8.0   03 February 2021, 13:06

Thank you for reporting the issue with IPv6.

We have just fixed it in the latest build, and from today onwards IPv6 addressees are enclosed in square brackets.

Re: Network Scanner version 8.0   04 February 2021, 11:53

That was quick smile
Thanks a lot

Re: Network Scanner version 8.0   05 February 2021, 09:57

I just upgraded to v8 and 'Friendly Names' do not appear to be available any longer.
When I go to Friendly Names - Mapping, there is no option for MAC-address mapping. Is this a bug or am I missing something?

Thanks a lot

My OS: Windows 10
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Network Scanner version 8.0   05 February 2021, 10:14

It could be a bug, or you could be missing something. It is hard to tell without seeing a screen shot from your computer.

Normally you need to choose Identify by from the drop-down list, then click Columns and choose what columns you want to use as the key. Those columns must be enabled and visible to show up in this dialog:

SoftPerfect support forum

Remote JSON and remote XML columns behavior   04 February 2021, 00:41

Excellent work on version 8, thanks!

Just to let you know that on Remote JSON Windows, specifically if trying to adjust (expand) the second column, the first column contract.
Same behavior on Remote XML.

Also, in my case Application Hotkeys are not functioning.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Remote JSON Columns Behavior   04 February 2021, 12:54

Thank you for the feedback.
We have just fixed the resizing issue and the non-working application hot keys. Download the new builds and if you encounter any more bugs, please let us know.

Re: Network Scanner version 8.0   10 February 2021, 13:06

It works. I did not hit the Columns button after I hit the drop-down. Thanks!

Hands down the best network scanner out there. I have tried them all.

Application duplicates   09 February 2021, 00:06

Hi again,

Some applications are not working, maybe this has something to do with the issue of having each one duplicate every time I do a right mouse click over a workstation to display them.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Application duplicates   09 February 2021, 09:14

Yes, sorry this was related to a bug we have fixed a couple of days ago. Please download the freshest build and both issues should be gone.

Re: Application duplicates   09 February 2021, 23:11

Hi Andrew,
I noted that the last snapshot version posted was for 7-Feb-2021. That's the same version I tested (but I downloaded again). On that version the duplicates issue remain unfixed.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Application duplicates   10 February 2021, 00:02

Sorry we can't reproduce that.

Does it happen right after the application starts? After opening/closing settings?

May be it's worth checking what items are listed under Options - Applications.

Re: Application duplicates   11 February 2021, 03:21

Hi Andrew.

In the process to minimize the range of applications to submit you a sample of my applications, this is what i did and the error that followed:
a) Export bookmarks, variables, applications
b) Reset to default the running configuration
c) Import back the applications file
d) Check to see if the error of duplicates remain (And yes, it remain)
e) Identify a small portion of the whole list of applications where the duplicates are visible
f) Erase the rest to submit just the selected part ( In my case i selected letter w definitions, specifically wsus)

(Trying to delete one single item - first time - invalid type cast
trying to delete multiple items - first time - access violation
trying to delete multiple items - second time - invalid type cast

Then the error of invalid type cast persist on every botton pushed

Settings have not been saved due to the error: Access violation)

g) Edit manually the exported applications file to just include wsus

h) Reset again (To my surprise after the reset i checked the application list and as expected it has just the default two - Computer Management and Remote Desktop but after scanning and right click over an ip address to choose an application it appear my whole list of applications, this is after the reset and without importing yet. It appear like the whole list is active somehow on memory)

If the program close for several minutes before opening it again the issue of presenting whats already delete or eliminated from the original list does not appear. But if you import a file and latter you press the File - Current Config - Reset to Default option the program erase all applications to default but with the right click present the imported list.

Another error - Unable to read config: Access violation
open | download – (95.7 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Application duplicates   11 February 2021, 13:46

Thank you for the detailed steps. I believe we have finally fixed it in the builds from 11th of February. Please download the freshest build and let us know if any bugs remain.

Command line error "No address to scan"   12 February 2021, 05:03

Running NetScan with the following:
/auto: /config:"%NetScan_App_Folder_Path_VAR\Xtras\Backups\Configurations\IP_RANGE_SCAN\D\scan.xml" /range:{Enter First IP To Scan:}-{Enter Last IP To Scan:}
Throws the following error: "No address to scan"

***Note: a) From the Options window - Applications - Trying to resize second column close first one - Scroll bar is hidden
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Command line error "No address to scan"   15 February 2021, 10:05

Sorry, this doesn't seem to be reproducible. Perhaps there is some extra spacing or other characters?

Try changing your command line to the following and see what it prints:
cmd.exe /k echo /auto: /config:"%NetScan_App_Folder_Path_VAR\Xtras\Backups\Configurations\IP_RANGE_SCAN\D\scan.xml" /range:{Enter First IP To Scan:}-{Enter Last IP To Scan:}

Re: Network Scanner version 8.0   23 February 2021, 18:11

The IP address input field is now different. The numbers have moved to the left side of the field, and the address cannot be entered with a space. In the previous version it was better.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Network Scanner version 8.0   23 February 2021, 20:34

This is a trade-off we had to make to enable the functionality on macOS.

Since macOS does not have an IP address input like Windows, we had to use a custom control that works on both platforms.

Column width in application sorting   19 February 2021, 06:24

Sorting is not working properly in Options - Applications - Sort - (First) Name Column and From the Options window - Applications - Trying to resize second column close first one - Scroll bar is hidden
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Column width in application sorting   19 February 2021, 11:18

Thank you, the new builds should have fixed these issues.

Re: Network Scanner version 8.0   20 March 2021, 01:49

Hi Andrew,

Just to let you know that on Visible Columns Windows, specifically if trying to adjust (expand) the second column, the first column contracts.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Network Scanner version 8.0   20 March 2021, 09:06

Thanks, fixed in the latest builds.

Network Scanner version 8.0.1   29 March 2021, 18:12

I am using NetScan version v8.0.1 x64 bit, and I think I found a two small bugs:

1) A typo in "minimiSe to the notification area".

2) When I activate the "hide to tray" function, after calling the program from the tray, some unsaved settings disappear. For example, the added IP ranges or created filters disappears.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Network Scanner version 8.0.1   30 March 2021, 13:40

Thank you for reporting the issues.

Regarding "minimise", it is the British spelling that is also used here, in Australia. The United States spell it "minimize". In other words, this is just a minor difference between two English dialects.

Regarding settings disappearing upon hiding the application into the tray icon, that was indeed a bug. We have just fixed it and uploaded the new builds here.

Re: Network Scanner version 8.0.1   30 March 2021, 16:32

Thanks for the quick fix. And thanks for your unique software.

Best Network Scanner   03 April 2021, 11:46

Thank you for this release! Softperfect Netscanner has been my MUST-HAVE TOOL for many years. I was using it extensively on Windows machines until now, but with this release Macs are well covered too! Excellent job!! It is very refreshing and uncommon to see a great software product that is well established, and affordable, and is in active development, and has highly skilled support that is still helping users and answering questions. Too many good products either get abandoned, or become too expensive, or get swallowed by larger corporations where nobody cares about individual users anymore. I am so glad to see that Softperfect company is still true to its superb business model. Please don't ever change, you are PERFECT!

Uptime timezone offset and Options window bugs   03 April 2021, 06:16

It appears that the "Retrieve Computer Uptime" option on the "Workstation" tab of program options is calculating remote system uptime relative to my local PC's offset from GMT.
I am on the west coast of the USA (presently GMT -07), all scanned computers show at least 7 hours uptime, even when rebooted seconds ago.

Also, if the Network scanner window is placed at the top of my screen but not maximized, if I open program options or the Import IP window, the top part of the window is off the top of the screen. (NetScan_v8_Options.jpg)

It seems like many of the hotkeys for various menus have stopped working in this version, and the hotkey for menu items is not underlined anymore. (NetScan_v7v8_Menus.jpg)
Right-click on a PC and press 'E' to open the Remote Shutdown dialog.
Alt, F, U, S no longer opens File > Current Config > Save.
CTRL+TAB does not change tabs in Program Options.
Is there any way to get this functionality back?

I managed to get my REGEX fixed and everything else is humming along well. The new version is certainly faster than 7.3.
Thank you for all your hard work. This program has become a cornerstone of my daily work.
open | download – NetScan_v8_Options.jpg (158.4 KB)
open | download – NetScan_v7v8_Menus.jpg (115.6 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Uptime timezone offset and Options window bugs   06 April 2021, 12:43

Sorry, we weren't able to reproduce the time zone issue. It may be that some systems return local time while others return GMT time.

Instead, try using the uptime item from WMI, as it does not depend on time zones:

SoftPerfect support forum

Regarding the settings/import windows showing above the upper edge, this probably has something to do with the component library the application was built upon. In order to achieve a cross-platform product, that is to run Network Scanner on macOS we had to use a different GUI library and development tools. The behaviour of the library, i.e. windows, buttons, menus is similar but not identical to the old one.

The same applies to the menu shortcuts: the new library is not capable of automatic generation of menu hot keys. You can however assign a dedicated hot key to any frequently used items. For example below I have assigned Shift + Ctrl + S to invoke the save config dialog:

SoftPerfect support forum

Hopefully this helps.

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