How to display server time in local time instead of UTC

Started by C.Y.


I am using Network Scanner to monitor and manage various devices in my network. I would like to understand the process by which the Network Scanner reads the server time when the option for port 123 (NTP) is enabled.

Current situation:
The server is running on a Linux operating system and is set to Korean Standard Time (KST).
When I run the ntpq -p command on the server, the time is displayed in KST.
However, the Network Scanner displays the time in UTC.

Could you provide detailed guidance on the actions that return this value, or point me to the appropriate resources?

Thank you for your assistance.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: How to display server time in local time instead of UTC   03 July 2024, 10:31

When the Network Scanner queries a server for the time via port 123 (NTP), it receives the time in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). This occurs because the NTP protocol standardises on UTC to avoid issues with time zones and daylight saving time.

Query: The scanner sends a request to the NTP server on port 123.
Response: The NTP server responds with the current time in UTC.
Display: The Network Scanner displays this UTC time.

It is not possible to determine the server's configured time zone directly from the NTP response. However, an option could be added to display the time in the local time zone instead of UTC. This would involve converting the time to the time zone of the PC where you are running the Network Scanner. Is this something you are looking for?
Thank you for your valuable response.

If the target server is not functioning as an NTP server but only as an NTP client, is it still possible to read the server time using the network scanner?

Additionally, could you provide information on options for displaying the time in local standard time instead of UTC?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: How to display server time in local time instead of UTC   03 July 2024, 12:23

It depends on what other services are available and whether the server is part of a domain. You can try selecting "Lookup Remote Time and Date" on the Workstation tab in Options.

We have also updated the application, so it now displays remote time received from NTP servers in the local time zone. This should make the application more user-friendly. Please download the latest build to see the changes.

SoftPerfect support forum

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