SoftPerfect RAM Disk

New beta version 3.4

Started by Andrew

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

New beta version 3.4   12 May 2013, 15:07

After quite a while we are glad to present a new beta version 3.4 that includes complete hard disk emulation, bug fixes and optimisations. Please post your feedback in this forum.
Michael Woffenden

New beta version, issue with "check for update"   13 May 2013, 06:30

New version is lower than my current version in the About!

New beta version, you have the TMP/TEMP environment variables...   13 May 2013, 06:49

I am seeing the following message on startup. However, I have not set any environment variables to use the root of a RAM disk.

The application has detected that you have the TMP/TEMP environment variables set to use the root of a RAM disk. Some programs may not work correctly in this case. It is recommended to create a folder on the RAM disk and then update the variables to point to that folder, e.g. R:\TEMP.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

New beta version   13 May 2013, 11:56

2Michael. This is because the new version will become 3.4 release, but the the meantime version 3.3.3 is the latest release. Just ignore this message as it's a dumb comparison of two strings.

2mwoffenden. What is shown on the screen if you choose Tools - Set Windows TEMP folder from the RAM Disk's main menu? Please post a screen shot if possible.

New beta version   13 May 2013, 12:00

Dialog screen shot is attached.
open | download – softperfect tmp dialog.png (21.8 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

New beta version   13 May 2013, 12:16

Well it's a misdetection, however I do recommend to remove the trailing backslashes.

Make it R:\Users\Michael\AppData\Local\Temp without a slash at the end.

This warning message will be gone. When you have that extra slash at the end of TEMP-path it may also cause certain applications to fail.

New beta version   13 May 2013, 12:24

Removed the slash, however, I believe that all apps would have to be able to detect the slash and act accordingly. (I know every Windows or Web app I ever built had to have code to do this!)

New beta version   13 May 2013, 17:21

I still have a problem on moving IE 10 temp folder to the RAM drive. it creates flash player error in IE 10 metro mode. Version 3.33 is more faster than this beta version.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

New beta version   14 May 2013, 13:28

Please be specific and describe what exactly error you are experiencing, as well what is your OS, 32-bit or 64-bit and whether you are using the new Hard Disk Emulation mode in the new version.

New beta version   14 May 2013, 15:45

my OS is Windows 8 Pro 64bit on Intel SSD 330. i don't use Hard Disk Emulation since it's been said slower. the problem is everytime i move the IE 10 temp folder to RAM drive the adobe flash player in IE 10 Metro mode or other Metro App that use the adobe flash player (Youtube, YouVue, etc) will not working.

New beta version   14 May 2013, 18:04

I''m trying this beta version with the Hard Disk Emulation on now. Seems the IE 10 flash player problem has fixed. My main concern now is the beta version seems slower than the previous stable version.
Robert Lee

New beta version   14 May 2013, 22:13

It is first time to use ramdisk, to see what happen to my NB speed.

New beta version   14 May 2013, 22:44

Just wondering Robert, what is NB speed?

New beta version   15 May 2013, 03:19

Does the new version have options on the menu/system tray icon to manually write to image file and refresh ramdisk from image file? In other words, an option to manually sync ramdisk and image file.

New beta version   15 May 2013, 21:14

Tried the Beta version after V3.3.3 wouldn't let me create RAMDisks larger than a few hundred MB.
V3.4 Beta was able to create a ~2960MB RAMDisk on the first try. Everything larger failed with Error C000009A just like V3.3.3 did all the time.
However.. trying to find out where the limit is, the RAMDisk size I'm able to create will shrink with every try. I'm now unable to create a RAMDisk larger than ~2400MB, and with every new try, the max. size goes even lower than that.

What's even more annoying: we're talking about roughly 2 to 3GB RAMDisks in a system with 32 friggin GB of RAM and over 30600MB free/available according to both SPRD and the taskmanager.
Should be pretty obvious that I'm kinda pissed, as I bought that much RAM mainly for RAMDisk usage and that's exactly what isn't working sad

Here is my screenshot [link].
(Even though it says "The action completed successfully", the RAMDisk is nowhere to be found. Seems to be some kind of bogus status code?!)

I've tried various RAMDisk programs so far and none of them were able to create RAMDisks larger than a few GB in size. I feel like I'm cursed.. and I want to stay away from the "big players" (Superspeed and the like) as I don't really feel like paying (quite a lot of) money just to find out it doesn't work either. The test versions are useless as their limit is the RAMDisk size..

New beta version   17 May 2013, 06:51


I'll move my temporary MediaCenter Files (TimeShift Buffer) C:\Users\Public\Recorded TV\TempRec\TempSBE\ to the ram disk.
But Windows Media Center needs min one file called "{12045B7F-D5D1-4722-8E48-6693B1277A84}.tmp.sbf" inside of these directory. Is there any way to create a empty file (0 Byte length) with the specified name on starting the ram disk?
OK, I can create a ram disk based on an 4GB image file, but in this case RamDisk needs 15 seconds longer, to load. Not good, if I start the Media Center, directly after starting my Win8 64Bit.

Thanks for help.


New beta version   20 May 2013, 19:35


Is this beta a dynamic ramdisk?

New beta version   20 May 2013, 23:41

What do you mean by "dynamic ramdisk"?

New beta version   21 May 2013, 02:31


However.. trying to find out where the limit is, the RAMDisk size I'm able to create will shrink with every try. I'm now unable to create a RAMDisk larger than ~2400MB, and with every new try, the max. size goes even lower than that.

Please, specify how much of physical memory is not freed after every attempt, in megabytes? Also, what are exact parameters that you specify for RAM-disk in this case?


What's even more annoying: we're talking about roughly 2 to 3GB RAMDisks in a system with 32 friggin GB of RAM and over 30600MB free/available according to both SPRD and the taskmanager. Should be pretty obvious that I'm kinda pissed, as I bought that much RAM mainly for RAMDisk usage and that's exactly what isn't working

Are you using 64-bit version of operating system?


(Even though it says "The action completed successfully", the RAMDisk is nowhere to be found. Seems to be some kind of bogus status code?!)

You're right, this should be fixed in the next release.

New beta version   21 May 2013, 02:43


Does the new version have options on the menu/system tray icon to manually write to image file and refresh ramdisk from image file? In other words, an option to manually sync ramdisk and image file.

There are no such options at the moment. And they are not expected to be implemented until the current beta release is properly tested and becomes stable.

New beta version   21 May 2013, 02:47


I'm trying this beta version with the Hard Disk Emulation on now. Seems the IE 10 flash player problem has fixed. My main concern now is the beta version seems slower than the previous stable version.

Hard disk emulation mode is slower than direct I/O mode, it's by design, but there is a plan to slightly decrease this performance degradation in future releases.

New beta version   22 May 2013, 06:58

I mean does this ramdisk has the possibility to take only the ram it needs?
f.e. a ramdisk of 1GB with data in it of 512MB takes only 512 MB from ram; deleting the files in the ramdisk results in not occupying any memory anymore.
(like imdisk does...)

New beta version   22 May 2013, 08:34

> does this ramdisk has the possibility to take only the ram it needs?

No, and I personally not sure it is a useful feature.

> like imdisk does...

Are you sure? I think you are wrong about ImDisk.

New beta version   23 May 2013, 17:48

Aaah, I hope this will be Freeware for personal use again. This is the best ramdisk tool I've ever used. Thanks so much!

New beta version   05 June 2013, 16:03

Hi, can I use ramdisk to put my page file on the ram? (where it is supposed to be, lol)

Or would that cause system instability? (assuming I have enough ram to do so of course)

New beta version   07 June 2013, 19:04

I use XP-64bit.
Version 3.3.3 had this benchmark:

[image expired]

The new Version 3.4.0
had this result:

[image expired]

In the past I use win7 home premium x64bit, I create my ramdisk, quite normal as every time, and install the pagefile, but in the boot process I became a problem. The problem was the driver of my ramdisk load too late. And the system create a new pagefile on my ssd. With xp-64bit I had never such problems with my "ramdisk-pagefile". Maybe you solved this problem in version 3.4.0? But at the moment I can't test it.
About the performance, I can say: It is very high - superspeed smile
Cloud Huang

New beta version   10 June 2013, 21:06


OS WIN7 x64
CPU intel i5

when installed version 3.3.3
1.can't save image files before shutdown
2.start BSOD occasionally

installed version 3.4
start BSOD everytime.

New beta version   10 June 2013, 22:45

@Cloud Huang,

Blue Screen of Death (BOSD), also if you use the Hard Disk Emulation?

New beta version   11 June 2013, 00:53


installed version 3.4, start BSOD everytime.

Can you upload memory dump file located in %SystemRoot%\memory.dmp so we could investigate the problem?
Cloud Huang

New beta version   11 June 2013, 11:46

No use the Hard Disk Emulation

I had set writing memory dump,but it's not work. [link] here is the blue screen pic.


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