Ramdisk SMB Share is not persistent

Started by Prasanth


Ramdisk SMB Share is not persistent   01 August 2018, 10:35

I am creating Ramdisk with the latest version of RAM Disk utility, when I create Ramdisk with size and >2 GB and make it as SMB share, on rebooting the server it is not shared any more. Is there any restriction on drive size to make it SMB share and persistent?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Ramdisk SMB Share is not persistent   01 August 2018, 10:35

It is probably a timing issue where it takes longer to create a larger disk, which results in the Server service starting before the disk is ready.

Please see this forum thread for a couple of workarounds.

Re: Ramdisk SMB Share is not persistent   03 August 2018, 10:04

Thanks for the reply. I have created two disks one with GUI and other one using CLI.

The CLI one loses the share, and the GUI one correctly stays 'shared' on reboots. I don't think it is a timing issue. If it is the timing issue I should have seen the same issue with GUI created one as well.

This is the command lines I used:
ramdiskws.exe /add:letter=B, fs=NTFS, size=6G
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Ramdisk SMB Share is not persistent   03 August 2018, 10:09

It looks like you omitted the disk type, as you can see in the CLI reference:

Parameter type=[logon|boot] defines a disk type, which can be either logon-time disk or boot-time disk. The former is mounted upon user logon, the latter is mounted upon system boot. The default value is logon.

In your command line you created a disk that is only mounted at logon. It means it will be mounted much later when a user logs on, or not at all if a user doesn't log on, while the Server service starts early in system boot.

Simply add "type=boot" in your command and things should work as expected.

Re: Ramdisk SMB Share is not persistent   04 August 2018, 09:08

With "type=boot" option it's working fine. Thanks for your time.

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