No mounted drives are shown in the list when a drive is actually mounted

Started by enorl76

No mounted drives are shown in the list when a drive is actually mounted   16 July 2020, 04:14

I have a RAM drive image that is 1000MB mounted as drive R:

The app shows no mounted disks in its main window list, saying "0 RAM disks mounted", but the R: drive is definitely there. Of note, my account is not administrator account, and when I run the app with an administrator account, it still doesn't show the mounted drive.

Please advise.

Here's a screenshot:

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Re: No mounted drives are shown in the list when a drive is actually mounted   16 July 2020, 09:08

Perhaps you have mounted an image file and not a RAM Disk? Please check under Image - Unmount image in the main menu.

If the R:\ drive is present there, that means you simply associated an image file with the drive letter. In that case you read and write data directly to that image, on the hard disk, not in RAM. If so, there is no RAM disk in use and there is no benefit. This function is only supposed to be used to prepare an image for further use in the RAM Disk.

If you want to use an image-backed RAM Disk, please see this article: How to create persistent RAM disks with contents preserved between sessions.

Re: No mounted drives are shown in the list when a drive is actually mounted   06 August 2020, 02:12

Looks like that what I did inadvertently. Can the UI be updated a bit to indicate that though? It's odd to Mount an Image/associate to a drive letter, it's managed by the program, but the program doesn't seem to acknowledge it until you go deep... Just a suggestion, I'm a software developer myself and didn't realize that...

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