High reads and writes on the real physical disk

Started by Oskar


High reads and writes on the real physical disk   25 January 2021, 09:36


I'm using RAM Disk, and I have created a mountable image of 60 GB. To that drive, I moved my files. But when I run it (from the path of the newly created image), it still has heavy reads/writes from my main disk, which I copied the files from.
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Re: High reads and writes on the real physical disk   25 January 2021, 09:57

That is because you created and mounted a disk image, not a RAM disk.

A disk image is basically a simple container associated with a drive letter. It lets you place your files there and later use that image with a RAM disk. In other words, when you copy files to your image, they go into that container sitting on your hard drive (physical disk). For using a disk in RAM (aka RAM disk), please see the following links:

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