SoftPerfect RAM Disk

Scheduled synching of RAM disk with its image file

Started by Patrick


Scheduled synching of RAM disk with its image file   28 January 2021, 12:36

I love the performance and features of SoftPerfect RAM Disk software. I also used another company's app and the performance was pretty low, but I did like a feature they had that was constant sync between the RAMdisk and the associated image file.

I noticed that in your software I can manually trigger saving to the image file and it seems to work great. Would it be possible for you guys to implement the ability to schedule that, since it is already a capability in the software? While not as good as constant sync, it would be amazingly helpful to be able to set it to save to image at specific times and/or intervals!
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Scheduled synching of RAM disk with its image file   28 January 2021, 13:04

Thank you for your suggestion. You will be pleased to learn that this feature is already available in our RAM Disk. wink

Open you RAM disk properties and enable the "Save Contents to Image" option. Then click the Advanced button, enable the "Save contents to associated image" option and select the frequency in minutes. After that, all RAM disk data will be written to its image file at set intervals:

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: Scheduled synching of RAM disk with its image file   28 January 2021, 13:41

Oh geez... I guess I didn't get that far in the RAM Disk user guide lol.

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