SoftPerfect RAM Disk

Server becomes unresponsive every couple of days

Started by Marko


Server becomes unresponsive every couple of days   25 August 2022, 12:20


We are using RAMMap version 4.1.1 on our Windows 2019 OS with Microsoft SQL 2017 STD (RTM-CU29-GDR) (KB5014553) - 14.0.3445.2 (X64).
After the last Windows and SQL update and server reboot, we are facing every two days that server becomes unresponsive and the only way to get it back to work is to reboot it from the Hyper-V manager (it is a Hyper-V virtual machine).

On the RAM disk, we are storing tempdb databases from MSSQL server and the RAMMap size is 32GB.

We discovered in RAMMap, that the LargePage is pretty consumed: almost 60GB is consumed, but our entire memory on the server is 129GB.

SoftPerfect support forum

Have you maybe any idea what can be wrong here and if is this a problem with RAM disk?

Best regards,
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Re: Server becomes unresponsive every couple of days   25 August 2022, 12:51

The RAM Disk application itself does not allocate large pages. When you create a RAM disk, that memory will be shown under Driver Locked category in RAMMap. In your case, the RAM disk is 32 GB in size, and that can be seen under Driver Locked.

SoftPerfect support forum

It is likely that your SQL server instance or some other software is configured to use large pages, which may be causing memory depletion.

Try checking what is shown on the Physical Pages tab in RAMMap, with the filter set to "Use is Large Page". It may reveal what process or driver allocate those large pages.

SoftPerfect support forum

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