SoftPerfect Connection Emulator

Different transfer rate for Up/Down

Started by nfaughnan


Different transfer rate for Up/Down   10 November 2015, 03:01

On the Transfer Rate tab, there is radio buttons to select the Traffic Direction, with an associated speed limit.

Is it possible to have a different Speed Limit for Incoming and Outgoing traffic? The design suggests not.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Different transfer rate for Up/Down   10 November 2015, 10:31

It is possible.
Just click the [...] button under Speed Limit and define a new rate, putting a colon between two values, e.g. 100000:50000, with "Traffic Direction" set to "Both"

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: Different transfer rate for Up/Down   10 November 2015, 19:17

Sorry I wasn't clear my original post. I require a different upload speed AND a different download speed. I require them to be unique. Is this possible?
I did some testing, and it seems my request is impossible with your software.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Different transfer rate for Up/Down   10 November 2015, 20:48

I understood you wink This is exactly what you are asking about. Please set Traffic Direction to Both and add a rate as shown above. The first number (before colon) is the max incoming rate, the second number (after colon) is the max outgoing rate.

For example, if you want a 100 Kbps limit on downloads and 50 Kbps limit on uploads, you'd enter 100000:50000.

Re: Different transfer rate for Up/Down   10 November 2015, 20:54

Oh my apologies. I see now. Thanks.

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