Window position issue when opening the app: top-left corner is always in the center of the screen

Started by L.M.

There appears to be a bug in WiFi Guard version 1.0.3 (at least on my computer). When opening the program, the upper left-hand corner of the window is in the center of my monitor, thus placing 25-50% of the window "off" the monitor. I have to drag the window up and left to see it all. I have tried to fix this by right-clicking the desktop icon and selecting Properties >> Shortcut tab and changing "Run:" to Maximized, but that didn't work. Version 1.0.2 worked perfectly fine. I am currently running Windows 7 Home Premium on my computer, but this problem also happened when I had Vista Home Premium (on the same computer).
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Window position issue when opening the app: top-left corner is always in the center of the screen   27 November 2013, 12:44

This is supposedly due a feature introduced in 1.0.3. If it detects the saved window left and top corner are shown outside of the current desktop, it will reposition it to the centre of it. This was supposed to be useful when you leave the WiFi Guard window on a secondary monitor, which was later disconnected. If this measure wasn't in place, the window would be stranded.

Do you have one or multiple monitors?
I am only using a single monitor.

I always ran the window maximized (after I dragged the window enough to see the upper right corner of the window), and closed the program that way. And always upon re-running the program it would always open the same way, with the upper left-hand corner of the window in the center of the monitor.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Window position issue when opening the app: top-left corner is always in the center of the screen   28 November 2013, 16:45

Ah that's the thing. If the window was maximised and then closed it didn't work correctly. All fixed now.
Please download a fresh copy and it should work fine.
Downloaded and tried it. The opening window position problem is now fixed. Thanks.

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