History of detected devices

Started by johnrc

History of detected devices   06 January 2016, 12:42

Does WiFi Guard provide a history (of connections over a given period of time)? I'd like to look back to see if any thieving magpies were using our internet connection early this morning.

I know it will send an email if unrecognized device is detected, but I can't seem to set it up properly. Tests fail. I've checked with Rogers my ISP and confirmed smtp.broadband.rogers.com but no go. It's fine at the office with a different ISP (Sympatico).

Thank you.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: History of detected devices   06 January 2016, 14:50

There no history as such, but in the All Devices section there's the Last Seen column that says when a device was online.

Regarding e-mail settings, please see the other topic.

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