How to identify Amazon devices (e.g. Kindle, Fire)

Started by Terry

Wi-Fi Guard shows four of the six Amazon devices we have in our house: 3 Fire devices and 3 Kindles. Unplugging does not remove the Fire sticks, so I cannot identify them by looking at which device was removed. Kindles likewise don't appear or disappear when turned on/off.

The Guard correctly picks up two computers, 3 phones and a printer. I'd like to resolve all those "unknown" devices marked in red, but I am not sure how to properly identify them or even if they are in fact mine. Suggestions?

Two examples: A0-02-DC-25-22-F4 106 ms amazon-45212e3b1 Amazon Technologies Inc. F0-51-73-73-B8-20 182 ms Amazon Technologies Inc.
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Re: How to identify Amazon devices (e.g. Kindle, Fire)   24 May 2019, 12:39

To identify the devices you can simply compare the MAC-addresses of your devices with the addresses WiFi Guard reports, and mark the devices as "known" accordingly.

In your example, you will be comparing addresses A0-02-DC-25-22-F4 and F0-51-73-73-B8-20 that WiFi Guard detects with the addresses in each of your device's settings. If they are identical, those are definitely your devices.

Here is how to see the MAC-address of some e-reader devices (or use Internet search for more details and other devices):

Kindle (non-Android)
Tap Menu on the home screen, then Settings.
Look at the Device Info section at the bottom of the screen and see the MAC-address.

Tap Settings on the home screen, then tap Wireless.
Choose WiFi, then tap the triple bar icon (More options).
Select Advanced, and see the MAC-address.

In Settings, tap Device Info.
Tap About Your NOOK, and see the MAC-address.

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