How to distinguish alert messages from multiple WiFi Guard installations

Started by Mike


Imagine I have installed 10 WiFi Guards in 10 different networks on my management computers, and they all send alerts to my email address.

I cannot distinguish from which customer the email is coming, and I have to check 10 management computers to see where the alert is coming from.

All emails look similar.

It would be good to have a field to type in custom Email Subject prefix for every installation.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to distinguish alert messages from multiple WiFi Guard installations   15 July 2022, 19:42

Each email should have the computer name that it was sent from in its subject line. So, each subject should look like this:


[COMPUTER-NAME] WiFi Guard has found 10 unrecognised devices!

Therefore, you should be able to sort them out depending on the COMPUTER-NAME tag.
Wow. With the new version installed also, this here is working.
Very nice...

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