Application window opens too far to the right of the screen

Started by Buddel

Application window opens too far to the right of the screen   04 August 2023, 05:06

When I turn on my computer and click the WiFi Guard icon in system tray, the WiFi Guard GUI is not displayed in the middle of the screen (please see attached screenshot). It's not a big deal, but maybe this can be fixed. I did not have this problem with older versions of WiFi Guard. Thanks in advance for your help.

OS: Windows 11 Pro
WiFi Guard version v2.2.1, latest pre-release
open | download – WiFi GUI.png (134 KB)
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Application window opens too far to the right of the screen   04 August 2023, 09:52

It looks like for some reason WiFi Guard has remembered incorrect screen coordinates.

Please try dragging it to the middle of the screen, then choose File - Quit from the main menu (don't use the [X] button in the title bar). After that, restart WiFi Guard and it should appear where you placed it.

Re: Application window opens too far to the right of the screen   04 August 2023, 10:00

Thanks for your reply. WiFi Guard always appears where I placed it before I quit the app. However, this is not the case when I boot up my computer the next morning and open WiFi Guard for the very first time of the day. As mentioned above, I did not encounter this problem when I used older versions of the app.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Application window opens too far to the right of the screen   04 August 2023, 10:44

Sorry we have been unable to reproduce this so far. Even after a reboot of Windows 10 the window opens up where it's supposed to be.

Anyway, thanks for letting us know about this issue. We will keep an eye on it to see if it happens to any one else.

Re: Application window opens too far to the right of the screen   04 August 2023, 10:48

As far as I know, WiFi Guard remembers its last window position even after a reboot, but this does not seem to be the case when I boot up my computer after a couple of hours/days. Anyway, it's not really a problem, but maybe this can be fixed sooner or later. Again, thank you very much for your help.

Re: Application window opens too far to the right of the screen   06 September 2023, 06:05

I installed the WiFi Guard build you released on 5 Sep a couple of minutes ago and rebooted my computer. Guess what? WiFi Guard remembered the correct screen coordinates! I do hope this will also be the case when I boot up my computer tomorrow morning, but it does seem as if the bug I reported above has been fixed with the latest build. Well done. Thank you very much.

Re: Application window opens too far to the right of the screen   07 September 2023, 02:52

I spoke too soon. When I fired up my computer this morning, the bug mentioned in my first post was back. sad

Re: Application window opens too far to the right of the screen   11 September 2023, 16:05

No problems so far with the latest build. WiFi Guard has so far always remembered the correct screen coordinates. smile
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Application window opens too far to the right of the screen   14 September 2023, 12:15

The issue may be related to timing, wherein Windows attempts to apply the default window position after WiFi Guard has read its settings and positioned the window based on its last location.

If you encounter this problem again, we recommend upgrading to the newest version. We have modified this version to prevent Windows from applying the default window position.

Additionally, the 'File Not Open' issue has been resolved. The previous builds contained some leftover debug code that has now been removed.

Re: Application window opens too far to the right of the screen   17 September 2023, 03:06

I have upgraded to the newest version of WiFi Guard, which works as expected. Well done. Thank you very much.

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