How to run the app in the background

Started by Michael S.

Michael S.

How to run the app in the background   02 October 2023, 09:41


Does the WiFi Guard run on start up without a user logging in? Or does it require a user (or the user to install it) to be logged in? Considering deploying for a client, but would prefer it to run in the background in a way that is not noticeable for the user (it emails me).

Thanks for making great software.
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Re: How to run the app in the background   02 October 2023, 09:45

WiFi Guard is currently structured as a standard application rather than a service, meaning it is activated when a user logs in. Upon starting, it positions its icon in the notification area. When it detects unfamiliar devices, it informs the user via a message box.

Understanding your preference for a seamless and unobtrusive user experience, we are open to exploring the incorporation of a "quiet" mode. This would suppress visible alerts to the user, aligning with your need for a subtler operation while still keeping you informed through emails.

Could you please provide more detail about your intended usage scenario, and any specific requirements or preferences you have? This will enable us to better understand your needs and consider appropriate enhancements or alternatives that would best suit your deployment objectives.
Michael S.

Re: How to run the app in the background   02 October 2023, 10:01

Many thanks for the reply and willingness to even consider this! I am trying to find the right solution for client network monitoring. I have a couple small non-profits I help with IT work, and am ideally looking for something I can install on a computer in their office and just wait for the emails to come in. Ideally, if they restart, or don't log in, or if a non-admin user logs in, the system would continue to work as normal.

My alternate theory is to install it on a Raspberry Pi or something like that and just plug it into their switch and forget about it.

Thanks again!

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