How to move NetGenius extension within the taskbar

Started by Bioxx

How to move NetGenius extension within the taskbar   31 December 2019, 20:01

Is there a way to move NetGenius extension (graph and download/upload numbers) in the task bar? I quite like it sitting down there, but would prefer it to be right next to the volume icon on the right instead of it being to the left of all other icons I have in my taskbar.
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Re: How to move NetGenius extension within the taskbar   01 January 2020, 17:48

Due to Windows limitations there doesn't seem to be a way to relocate extensions to a spot between taskbar icons.

The extension can be resized and moved to the left or to the right of another extension. However the icons section, as well as the date/time pane, appear to be fixed in Windows and nothing can be placed between them.

Re: How to move NetGenius extension within the taskbar   01 January 2020, 20:00

Thanks for the reply. I moved the icon next to the clock, might actually hide it. I just thought I could move the graph too. Ok then, it is what it is.

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