Traffic processing service and CPU usage

Started by tylordurton1

Traffic processing service and CPU usage   04 February 2020, 17:16

Hi guys,

Just wondered if it's normal for the above service to consume over 20% CPU while downloading?
It's not a huge deal I guess but it seems to be utilising more CPU than the software I'm using to download, download speeds were circa 40Mb/sec.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Traffic processing service and CPU usage   05 February 2020, 10:31

It's kind of normal as NetGenius needs to intercept every data packet, analyse it and submit it for further processing. That all takes time and CPU cycles, i.e. on 40 Mbit it will handle about 3500 individual IP packets per second.

Having said that, there is room for optimisation and we'll address this CPU usage issue in the next release.

Re: Traffic processing service and CPU usage   05 February 2020, 22:32

Ok understood, thanks Andrew.

I'll keep an eye on it

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Traffic processing service and CPU usage   10 February 2020, 13:41

Update: we have implemented a much faster packet processing path when NetGenius is used in monitoring mode. Now, if there are no assigned priorities/limits and no blocked apps, NetGenius is able to save a lot of CPU resources. In our tests it was using 1-2% CPU on a 100 Mbit download.

You can download the latest build here. Please note that if you have some limits set or blocked apps, there will be no change in performance. You would need to undo all limits, allow blocked apps and reboot for the improvements to take effect.

Re: Traffic processing service and CPU usage   13 February 2020, 18:46

Perfect! Just downloaded and tested the new release on another 43MB download stream and CPU was reduced to circa 6%, which is a huge improvement.
Thanks for the heads up smile

Awesome software

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