How to customize taskbar display

Started by Debbie


How to customize taskbar display   07 February 2020, 09:57

Hi. I have a NetWorx license, but now also trying NetGenius. I love the chart readout in the taskbar for NetWorx. I have very shaky internet where I am, and it always helps to see when the blip is mine.

I installed NetGenius, but the taskbar isn't as nice visualization as in NetWorx. It's a number, which doesn't let me at a glance see what's going right or wrong. I couldn't find where I can customize this to look more like NetWorx. How do I do that?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: How to customize taskbar display   07 February 2020, 10:01

To customise, simply unlock your taskbar (click on an empty space on the taskbare and untick Lock the taskbar). Then you will be able to expand the extension and make it look like this:

SoftPerfect support forum

Re: How to customize taskbar display   07 February 2020, 10:03

My taskbar is vertical. I need to custom configure how it looks. I can only expand it up and down, not side to side.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: How to customize taskbar display   07 February 2020, 10:05

I see what you mean. We'll take a look at it and update it for a better fit on a vertical taskbar. Please allow a few days for that to be done. I will let you know once the update is available.

Re: How to customize taskbar display   07 February 2020, 11:18


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