Setting limits causes Internet connectivity loss

Started by Barba


Setting limits causes Internet connectivity loss   19 February 2020, 12:48

When I set some limit to some application ('Limited, 'Delayed' or 'Blocked'), all other applications on my computer stop working an are unable to connect to the Internet. The application for which I configured the limit works correctly with the configured limit, but it looks like the other apps can't resolve DNS anymore.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Setting limits causes Internet connectivity loss   20 February 2020, 14:43

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be reproducible. Could you please mention your OS version and post a screenshot showing all the installed apps?

This may be a compatibility issue with some third-party software like an antivirus, firewall or similar traffic filtering tools.

Re: Setting limits causes Internet connectivity loss   20 February 2020, 18:56

I also have 'NetWorx' installed! In addition to it, I have installed 'TinyWall', 'OneClickFirewall' and 'WFN'. This is what I remember...
Another application I have installed is 'Wireshark (Npcap)'

My OS: Windows 10 - Version 1909 (OS Build 18363.657).

Any more information I can provide to try to help?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Setting limits causes Internet connectivity loss   21 February 2020, 16:24

We ran some tests, and it looks like TinyWall is the culprit in this case. When we installed both TinyWall and NetGenius, setting a limit in NetGenius caused that application to lose Internet access.

Probably TinyWall doesn't like that NetGenius intercepts Internet traffic when a limit is set. In that scenario, the intercepted traffic is re-injected under the System process.

Try clicking Whitelist by process in TinyWall and adding System as an allowed process. If that does not help, add svchost.exe as well.

Re: Setting limits causes Internet connectivity loss   22 February 2020, 00:50

I found the problem, and is not with 'TinyWall'. I tried to uninstall it and the problem continued.
The problem was with 'NetWorx', if I left the "Ignore local traffic within the LAN" enabled. If I disable this option on 'NetWorx', 'NetGenius' start to work well.

Is possible to fix that (Leaving that option enabled to be able to view the usage report by application)?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Setting limits causes Internet connectivity loss   22 February 2020, 12:21

Unfortunately it's quite difficult to make NetWorx's Ignore LAN traffic option compatible with NetGenius; and, more importantly, there is little sense in doing that.

If you need to have per-application reports, use NetGenius, otherwise use NetWorx. There is no point in having two applications competing over traffic analysis for the same purpose.

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