Feature suggestion: Block applications before they connect to the Internet

Started by Faudel


Thanks for this useful utility. It would be more productive, in my opinion, if you add some features to it.

First thing is the ability to browse and block the apps from within the program itself.

Second, it would be awesome if we can select the entire folders and block all the binaries inside with one click.

Lastly, please enlarge the UI. I'm not asking for a full screen window but a little more would help a lot.

Oh! one more thing, there's no option to remove the program from startup. Also, it would be totally awesome if during installation we could choose to replace Windows stock firewall with NetGenius removing all Windows firewall-related files and supporting modules like Base Filtering Engine etc and make NetGenius the default firewall.

Kind regards.
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Re: Feature suggestion: Block applications before they connect to the Internet   20 April 2020, 12:24

Thank you for your feedback. Advanced blocking is a great idea, and it was already in your to-do list. We are currently in the process of adding a way to block applications or entire folders.

About enlarging the UI, could you please elaborate further? The UI is supposed to automatically scale to any resolution, plus you can resize the main window as well.

Regarding removing NetGenius from startup: it has the "Automatically start NetGenius Management Console" option for not adding it there, it is displayed during the installation. If you changed your mind after it was installed, you can simply remove the registry key under HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run.

As to removing Windows firewall and BFE - that's something we cannot do because NetGenius depends on BFE. If you remove BFE, NetGenius will not work. You can however remove or disable Windows Firewall in Windows settings if you wish.
Thank you for the response. The UI doesn't give the look and feel of modern design language used in Win 10, this is just a personal opinion. There's also room for improvement, for instance the bar below the icons (where name and online toggle buttons are located, should read the property from BTNFace. Again, this is a personal opinion.

About scaling, I'm on 120DPI resolution screen so I think that makes it look smaller. The apps that do not have built-in support for higher resolution do that.

Don't get me wrong, the app is excellent the way it is.

Also, since this is now a full fledged firewall, will it be possible to use some notification like when the app which doesn't already has a rule defined in the program connects to the internet triggers a notification asking if the user wants block or allow the connection?

Lastly, it would also be nice to have a toggle button adjacent to the program name in the main window to easily block/unblock it.

Thank you for listening to my requests. Your work is highly appreciated.

Kind regards.

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