Tasklbar Extension font

Started by Mark


Tasklbar Extension font   24 April 2020, 11:03

Hi just want to comment and add how much I LOVE the toolbar for NetGenius. I've been looking for a program for literally years with a good network meter in the taskbar, every single alternative is annoying but this looks really clean.

If you would consider adding an option to choose the font that would be fantastic, the rest is perfect but I would prefer using a custom font if possible so it's a little easier to read (I use the small taskbar).

SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Tasklbar Extension font   24 April 2020, 12:03

Thank you for your feedback. We have added an option to choose the font.

Simply download and install the latest build, click on the Extension, choose Font... and set any font you like.

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