What does "Reconnect" do?

Started by Pierre


What does "Reconnect" do?   24 April 2020, 23:50

I really like NetGenius and want to know all its features. When I right-click my computer name, I see "Reconnect" menu item. It is greyed our for me, but I wonder, what is it supposed to do?
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: What does "Reconnect" do?   25 April 2020, 00:01

The Reconnect menu is for re-establishing connection with a remote computer manually when the connection fails.

For example, when a remote computer has not connected to the network yet, NetGenius Console may be unable to connect to it during its startup. In this situation, the user can try to reconnect manually. Otherwise, NetGenius will re-try in 1 minute automatically.

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