Feature suggestion: Add bits/bytes option for the connection limit setting

Started by Tim

At the moment my NetGenius is set to display things in "bits". I like that, it easier for my brain than bytes.

However, when I go to the connection settings to limit it, I have to enter the limit in KB/s. Trying to do the maths on the fly to convert 10Mb/s to KB/s is hard. Could this perhaps be improved in future releases?

SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Feature suggestion: Add bits/bytes option for the connection limit setting   03 November 2020, 09:48

That's a good idea, thank you for pointing this out. We'll modify NetGenius so that it respects the choice of bits and bytes in the limiting dialog. I will post an update here when it is ready.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Feature suggestion: Add bits/bytes option for the connection limit setting   03 November 2020, 14:37

We have just updated NetGenius so that it respects the choice of units (bits/s or bytes/s), as shows on the screen shot below. You can download the new build and have the new choice available to you.

SoftPerfect support forum

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