NNTP/NNTPS traffic is wrongly attributed to antivirus

Started by User

Hi there! I am currently evaluating NetGenius, and this nice little tool seems to have everything I want, except that when one specific software downloads from the Internet using the NNTP protocol, NetGenius believes it comes from the antivirus... It lists those :nntps connections under Avast Service, which means the usage figures are wrong.
What can I/you do? laugh
Thanks in advance.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: NNTP/NNTPS traffic is wrongly attributed to antivirus   16 December 2020, 11:44

Unfortunately we can't do anything about it.

This happens because your antivirus actively intercepts and filters your network traffic: it captures traffic from applications, filters it for malware etc, and then forwards it further as its own. This causes NetGenius to see that traffic as coming from the antivirus, because the antivirus captures it before NetGenius can. This increases the security, but at the same time leads to that traffic being attributed to a wrong application.
Thanks for the answer, Andrew. I figured that out, but I couldn't help thinking in this case, why my antivirus would capture only THAT particular traffic? For instance, if I download an ISO file with my web browser, NetGenius attributes the traffic correctly, to this browser.
I reckon you would answer you can't account for the way the antivirus works, though... wink
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: NNTP/NNTPS traffic is wrongly attributed to antivirus   16 December 2020, 23:05

It looks like it filters POP, SMTP, IMAP and NNTP as mail. Try turning off the Mail Shield and see if it helps.
It does the trick indeed. I'll have to make a choice then (too bad the Mail Shield cannot be told not to include NNTP protocol). Thanks.

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