Change my email address

Started by Customer


Change my email address   20 January 2021, 11:01

I purchased a licence last year, and now changed my email address. I would like to update it in my licence order record, but I cannot find where and how to do that.

I assume that my licence is tied to my old email address that I used at the time of the purchase. So I want to make sure that I am reminded to renew my license when the current one expires in a few months, and that I receive the reminder to my new email address.
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Re: Change my email address   20 January 2021, 11:11

To avoid bothering our customers with extra messages, and to prevent missed renewals in those instances when emails are lost or caught up in spam, we do not send reminder emails when licences are due for renewal.

Instead, the app will let you know once the licence has expired, and you will be able to renew it with a special discount, if you wish and when you wish. Then, you can simply use your new email for purchasing the renewed licence. Access to the old email address is not required.

Re: Change my email address   20 January 2021, 11:20

Great approach! Thanks.

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