Remote deployment and monitoring off-site computers

Started by Liam


Remote deployment and monitoring off-site computers   22 February 2022, 12:16


I have a few questions about NetGenius.

We are looking for a solution to monitor data usage on a fleet of off-site laptops that are connected with 4G routers that are also using a VPN.

We also use Desktop Central to build/deploy all our software. Is this an option with NetGenius?

Let me know if you need any more information.

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Re: Remote deployment and monitoring off-site computers   22 February 2022, 12:21

We don't know how Desktop Central works exactly, but there is a couple of ways to automate NetGenius installation:
  • It can be made a part of a machine image deployed to target machines.
  • It can be launched at the target machine with /SILENT or /VERYSILENT command line parameters. It's also possible to specify components to install. For example, this command will install only the service, without GUI:
netgenius_setup.exe /COMPONENTS="svc" /SILENT

In both cases it's possible to deploy a configuration file and licence as well, so everything will work without additional configuration.
That's great information, it looks like we can deploy through Desktop Central.

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