Nothing is displayed after creating the second user

Started by lwb


Nothing is displayed after creating the second user   08 June 2022, 17:42

Hello smile

I'm using NetGenius for more than 1 year already on my laptop and all was working fine.
Yesterday I created a new user profile on this my Windows 10 machine because I will be using my computer for work until I can get another computer from my new employer. The thing is that even though NetGenius is running, nothing is displayed.

Is this a bug or is intentional? Is there any way to make it work also for this second user?

Thank you smile
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Nothing is displayed after creating the second user   08 June 2022, 19:38

It sounds like the Management Console is not connected to the System Service.

Simply open the Management Console and click the 'Connect to' button.

SoftPerfect support forum

Then type 'localhost' without quotes and click OK. This should connect to the service and start displaying data.

Re: Nothing is displayed after creating the second user   08 June 2022, 21:48

Surgically accurate! laugh
It worked.

Thanks Andrew!
Thank You. smile

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