SoftPerfect NetGenius

Pressing the same key twice causes error messages

Started by perfectchu

Pressing the same key twice causes error messages   04 September 2022, 20:57


I'm getting error messages when I press the same key twice in quick succession in the Main or usage Window.

Windows 10 21H2 x64


Access violation at address 0000000000985019 in module 'NGGUl.exe'. Read of address 0000000000000000.


Node must not be nil.
(G:\[Dev]\common\VTT\Source\VirtualTrees.pas, line 33743)

Thank you.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Pressing the same key twice causes error messages   05 September 2022, 11:43

Thank you for reporting this issue. There was indeed a bug in the incremental search implementation.

We have just fixed it and you are welcome to download the latest build here.

Pressing the same key twice causes error messages - Fixed   05 September 2022, 20:35

Installed the pre-release (05 Sep 2022) version over the release v1.1.0 and and I'm not getting the errors anymore. But if the item in the list starts with a double character (e.g., ssh.exe), it does not match.

Also pre-release version didn't remove the old toolbar extension.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Pressing the same key twice causes error messages - Fixed   06 September 2022, 15:07

Thank you for the feedback. The fact that the search doesn't match the double-letter words like "ssh" seems to be due to a bug in the underlying tree control. Unfortunately it cannot be fixed easily, but you could instead type what you need to find in the search box:

SoftPerfect support forum

Regarding the taskbar toolbar, it is not automatically removed, but is simply deactivated. It will be completely removed when you uninstall the software.

Re: Pressing the same key twice causes error messages - Fixed   06 September 2022, 19:44

Thank you, I totally missed the Find Box.

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