Flicker in the taskbar area

Started by Serge


Flicker in the taskbar area   11 November 2022, 09:19


I have upgrade my NetGenuis from 1.1.0 to 1.1.2 and noticed 2 things:
- There is a white light flash on average each second in the taskbar area.
- The transparent option is not active.

I'm on Windows 7 Pro 32 bit.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Flicker in the taskbar area - Fixed   11 November 2022, 09:41

Thank you for reporting this issue. We have fixed the flicker in the latest build.

However transparency is no longer supported on Windows 7. Instead, to achieve the same appearance, you can set the taskbar extension background colour similar/identical to your taskbar colour.

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