Internet stops working after enabling VPN

Started by Dennis


Internet stops working after enabling VPN   20 February 2024, 10:45

I have a problem with VPN when using NetGenius.

Without the VPN, the Internet and NetGenius work perfectly. But when I activate VPN, the Internet gets blocked.
I don't understand what I did wrong in NetGenius. I am not a network professional but I absolutely need the VPN.

Kind regards
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Re: Internet stops working after enabling VPN   20 February 2024, 11:06

If you are encountering issues with NetGenius when using a VPN, it might be due to compatibility problems, because VPNs can alter how network activity is detected and reported.

A solution could be to try our NetWorx app instead. It is designed differently and may work better with your VPN.

The advantage is that NetWorx can monitor network activity more compatibly with some VPN clients.
The disadvantage is that it does not have application blocking or prioritization features.

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