Bandwidth Manager 2013
Started by Andrew
Bandwidth Manager 2013 29 April 2013, 12:10 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 29 April 2013, 12:51 |
Admin Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 3 600 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 29 April 2013, 17:30 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 29 April 2013, 20:31 |
Admin Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 3 600 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 30 April 2013, 01:45 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 30 April 2013, 02:41 |
From what I see, the filter is working on each individual stream or connection and NOT grouping by IP address.
I wanted to limit the rate per Local IP address to say 5mbs, but from what I see that rate will apply to each connection they make and not their connection as a whole.
So If user A with IP is streaming two videos, I want him to have total 5mbs and not 5mb per stream.
Please explain how bwm works in this case.
Otherwise I guess I batch create 200 rules one for each IP
Bandwidth Manager 2013 30 April 2013, 04:46 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 30 April 2013, 12:08 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 30 April 2013, 20:29 |
Admin Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 3 600 |
Domain names can be specified in a rule or in a group in the form of domain.tld. Any sub-domains will match it too.
For example will match,, and

Bandwidth Manager 2013 30 April 2013, 22:41 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 03 May 2013, 19:04 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 05 May 2013, 22:59 |
I have been playing around with the trial version and found the following problems.
Port Mapping freezes up the BWM service in Win Server 2008, you still have access to the GUI and can make changes but traffic is broken through the internal bridge.
I can't get "redirect to local port"(squid) nor "redirect to web-page" to work
It works in version 2.9 perfectly but not in 3.0.1?
I am trying to redirect to a local server within my network, so my rule looks like this:
Rate: Unlimited
Source: -
Destination: Any IP address on port 80
Protocol: IPv4 TCP
Interface: LAN
I have selected mapping under advanced in the rule, and left the port as "any" under the mapping option.
I have also tried port 80 under the port option above mapping.
Port mapping is setup correctly to the URL of server and I can access it when trying on my PC.
You have to disable the rule and reboot the machine before traffic starts flowing over the internal bridge again.
Secondly I have found that, randomly any domain names I have added to a group get scrambled, so I have to deleted the group and add them again.
What happens is, the last gets added to the first domain below itself.
ends up looking like this for no apparent reason (I have tried to figure out if there is any type of process or anything I change when this happens, but it seems to be totally random)
Bandwidth Manager 2013 06 May 2013, 04:41 |
Another thing I have found is DPI does not catch P2P (torrents) correctly, I have a rule limiting the up/down speed and torrents exceed that limit by almost 6 times, it seems DPI is not catching torrents at all sometimes. :S
Everything else works under DPI like VPN & Youtube......
Bandwidth Manager 2013 06 May 2013, 17:58 |
Admin Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 3 600 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 09 May 2013, 18:07 |
Admin Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 3 600 |
As to the torrent detection, well it uses heuristics and there is no guarantee it will always catch it. It however improve over time. Alternatively you can use "Penalties" that allow you to discourage heavy downloads regardless of protocols used.
Multi MAC or IP for single host 12 May 2013, 17:44 |
I have many PCs with wireless and Wired LAN or multi LAN and I want to add all of their mac address in one rule.
Software doesn't support it properly so I use groups.
I have 49 groups so, that they are sortable by name!
So I should search the whole list to edit or change a group.
Please support in newer version.
Bandwidth Manager 2013 12 May 2013, 22:29 |
Admin Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 3 600 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 13 May 2013, 02:57 |
It's a host not a group but I should define it as a group.
2. In addition to that group list is not sortable.
3. It has no searchable area to search for a name.
4. It accept the same mac for many times so you can't confirm if MAC address has been used before.
5. There should be a kind of rule to shupport each host in a group or range seperately. eg. if you specify 1Mbps for the range from to, then every host in this range has 1 Mbps and not all the range share the whole bandwidth.
Seprate Upload and download Bandwidth 13 May 2013, 03:06 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 13 May 2013, 12:09 |
Admin Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 3 600 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 13 May 2013, 23:42 |
Think about 32 people in a group, all have same rule properties.
If it's generated by wizard, and I need a change in their rule, I should do that for 32 rules.
Is it still unnecessary?
You can tell me that our software will never support this but I tell you it's necessary for me and many others.
Bandwidth Manager 2013 14 May 2013, 11:08 |
Admin Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 3 600 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 14 May 2013, 11:45 |
Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 4 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 14 May 2013, 12:36 |
Admin Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 3 600 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 20 May 2013, 08:28 |
Is there a way to put the "throughput graphic monitor" and the "live usage monitor" working in a FIXED scale?
I think that, in this way, it would be more informative. For example, the max value could be fixed to the limit rule rate. If I not mistaken, in the last versions, BM worked in this way.
Congratulation for your great work.
Bandwidth Manager 2013 20 May 2013, 12:10 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 11 June 2013, 23:04 |
When i upgrade i dont really want to have to sit there and type in up to 300 IPs, which i will have to as i cant put a range in as we have odd IPs scattered in these ranges that are excluded as they have unique rules specific to their IP as apposed to the rest of the tenants in that range.
Is there a way of exporting the IP groups as well to put into version 3?
Bandwidth Manager 2013 12 June 2013, 00:09 |
Admin Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 3 600 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 12 June 2013, 00:43 |
Bandwidth Manager 2013 12 June 2013, 00:46 |
Admin Registered: 19 years ago Posts: 3 600 |
After you have version 3.x installed, you import that file and everything, including groups takes its place. Simply click the drop-down list when importing and choose V2 XML file rather than DB file (as shown on the screen shot in the begining of this thread).