How to decrease Internet speed in wired connection

Started by paul2017

How to decrease Internet speed in wired connection   02 March 2017, 03:12

I want to reduce internet speed because i got a limited plan and my elder brother is addicted to online gaming which consumes huge bandwidth.

I just installed SoftPerfect Bandwidth Manager 3.8.1 on my pc
I don't to know to decrease speed.
I try all Basic Usage Examples mentioned in your website but nothing works for me
please help me
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to decrease Internet speed in wired connection   02 March 2017, 07:35

What's the exact version you are using? Version 3.8.1 does not exist, the latest is 3.2.3.

It's also important to understand that if you are trying to control traffic of another computer (e.g. your brother's), it will not work unless the software is installed on or before the gateway as described here.

Re: How to decrease Internet speed in wired connection   03 March 2017, 01:22

sorry correct is version 3.1.8
and me and my brother use same pc with wired connection
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to decrease Internet speed in wired connection   03 March 2017, 11:49

In such case, all you need to do is to create a rule like this:
Protocol: Any
Direction: Both
Rate: 50 KB/s
Source: Any
Destination: Any
Also check the built-in event log to see if there are any error messages or whether the trial version has expired. If everything is okay, the above rule should limit everything in and out of the computer by 50 KB/s.

You can check the usage report to see if the rule captures traffic.

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