Feature suggestions for rule overview

Started by lukasim


Feature suggestions for rule overview   11 August 2017, 19:00

I work a lot with groups in BWM, e.g. a group with the IPs of a classroom or a group with MACs of staff. For each entry I also enter a comment to make it easier identify the user behind this entry. My rules are usually also tracked per-MAC or per-IP.
But in the rules-overview, if I expand one rule I only see the MAC or IP of all users included. It would help a lot if I could also see the comment I put for this entry in the group, so I immediately see which user it is. Remembering MAC addresses of users is quite hard... wink

Second is about sorting the single entries within one rule. It would help if they could be sorted manually (I usually want them ascending in the source) to find a specific entry faster.

And last is about the Live Usage Monitor.
I sometimes try to monitor a specific stream while refreshing every 2 seconds. But if I highlight a stream, it will always be the e.g. first stream highlighted. The highlighting does not follow the stream if it changes position in the list.

Maybe these suggestions seem useful for you too.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Feature suggestions for rule overview   14 August 2017, 17:09

Thank you for the useful feedback. We've added both: showing comments from groups in the main view and real-time monitor, as well as the highlight now follows the stream when it moves around.

You can download the new build.

Re: Feature suggestions for rule overview   15 August 2017, 21:57

Amazing, thanks!! I tested it and it works great, makes it quite easy to identify a (mis-)user smile

One more thing is the sorting within a rule, especially when using an IP-range as in the picture. It would help if they were also sorted like
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Feature suggestions for rule overview   16 August 2017, 00:01

Do you mean the default sort order as they are shown in the main view?

SoftPerfect support forum

If so, please download the updated build - we've made it sorted by IP/MAC address.

Re: Feature suggestions for rule overview   17 August 2017, 21:23

Yes, that's perfect! Thanks!

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