Possible memory leak

Started by Grant


Possible memory leak   03 June 2022, 04:54

There seems to be a memory leak or something with version 3.2.11 as I have noticed.

When keeping the Live View window open for more than 24 hours Bandwidth Manager starts dropping packet every 15 seconds or so.

SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Possible memory leak   11 July 2022, 15:29

Unfortunately we have been unable to reproduce this issue so far.
For the time being, you might like not to keep that window open 24/7.

Re: Possible memory leak   14 September 2022, 11:28

Can I send you my rules to look at and my database? I may have something wrong.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Ann avatar image

Re: Possible memory leak   14 September 2022, 17:46

You can, in an attachment to a support message. Also please provide as much information as possible about that "something wrong".

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