SoftPerfect NetWorx

Setting up separate profiles for different locations

Started by Dan S

The reason I am evaluating Networx is because I want to check the speed at home; but during the day I also connect to 2-5 different WIFI spots when I'm not at home. So I would like to be able to give all the different connections unique names.

When I'm at home, I would like tell Networx that I am using my home network. When I use other connections, I'd like to specify that in Networx too. Let's say I connect to a few different Internet connections during a day. I would like to set up a profile/report for each one of them, like this:
  1. At home
  2. Galaxy cafe
  3. Sonata cafe
  4. Kim's restaurant
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: Setting up separate profiles for different locations   27 July 2018, 12:06

If you want to keep separate usage records for each place, I am afraid this is not supported. However if you only want to monitor usage at home and ignore usage at any other place, there is a setting in NetWorx just for that.

Simply go to the Main Settings. You will see a button titled Networks, which lets you exclude certain networks from monitoring. It detects all networks that you connect to and identifies them based on the MAC address of the default gateway. So you can instruct NetWorx to only monitor your usage when connected to the home network:

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