Can I install a new version over an older version?

Started by Wojtek

Can I install a new version over an older version?   24 October 2022, 06:42

Can I install version 7.0.3 directly on version 7.0.2? Or do I have to remove the older version first?
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Re: Can I install a new version over an older version?   24 October 2022, 08:32

Yes, you can install a new version on top of the previous one. I.e. you don't need to uninstall the previous version. However, you do need to exit the application before beginning the installation.

To exit NetWorx, click its icon in the notification area and then click Exit in the popup menu. (Clicking the cross button in NetWorx interface only closes the window, it doesn't exit the application - that's why you need to use the Exit menu.)

Re: Can I install a new version over an older version?   24 October 2022, 16:37

Thank you. smile

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