Tool for monitoring and proving unsatisfactory service quality of my internet supplier

Started by Keith

Hi. I live in the county of Shropshire, United Kingdom. It is difficult to get a reliable signal for my internet. My supplier is Airband. Quite often my system slows down. I cannot get Airband to agree that there is a fault, so I thought if I monitored the speed of my internet connection 24/365 I could prove my point. Can your app do that?
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Re: Tool for monitoring and proving unsatisfactory service quality of my internet supplier   24 September 2024, 19:11

Our NetWorx app can monitor the internet connection uptime and speed 24/7. It's perfect for tracking slowdowns and interruptions in your internet service over time.

You can download a free 30-day trial of NetWorx and see if it suits your needs. For more details, check out NetWorx user manual, particularly the 'Connection quality monitoring' section.

However, please be aware that your ISP, Airband, may not accept evidence from third-party tools like our NetWorx, and they might not act on your complaint. But this tool can provide you with valuable insights to back up your claims.

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