In NetWorx v7 I do not wish to monitor applications, but I wish to exclude local network traffic.
I have tried the hidden setting "Custom LAN ranges" as I understand from reading this forum that NetWorx will not monitor traffic in the IP range that is entered in this setting. I have entered my local IPv4 network, which is 192.x.x.2 - 192.x.x.255, in this setting (for security, I do not disclose the exact IP range). My router is 192.x.x.1. I tested if this would work by copying a file to another PC in my local network, but it does not work - NetWorx is recording the usage. I next tried the localhost IP range - but NetWorx also records the usage.
Can you please tell me what IP range I should enter in "Custom LAN ranges" when using the "Monitoring of a network adapter on this computer or remote router" mode so that NetWorx does not record my local network traffic?