SoftPerfect NetWorx

How to exclude local network traffic without monitoring applications

Started by Peter

In NetWorx v7 I do not wish to monitor applications, but I wish to exclude local network traffic.

I have tried the hidden setting "Custom LAN ranges" as I understand from reading this forum that NetWorx will not monitor traffic in the IP range that is entered in this setting. I have entered my local IPv4 network, which is 192.x.x.2 - 192.x.x.255, in this setting (for security, I do not disclose the exact IP range). My router is 192.x.x.1. I tested if this would work by copying a file to another PC in my local network, but it does not work - NetWorx is recording the usage. I next tried the localhost IP range - but NetWorx also records the usage.

Can you please tell me what IP range I should enter in "Custom LAN ranges" when using the "Monitoring of a network adapter on this computer or remote router" mode so that NetWorx does not record my local network traffic?
I believe I have solved this.

In my "Router Monitoring" the WAN interface was empty in SNMP, so I switched to UPnP as I saw NetWorx was detecting my Gateway name and WAN interface in UPnP. WAN usage was no longer being recorded, so I rebooted the router. NetWorx redetected WAN usage and it now excludes local network traffic in 192.x.x.2 - 192.x.x.255 range.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to exclude local network traffic without monitoring applications   29 October 2024, 08:15

When monitoring a network adapter, it is not possible to exclude local traffic. In this mode, NetWorx simply checks the bytes sent and received by the adapter every second, without distinguishing between local and external traffic. As a result, local activities like file copying between computers are still recorded.

The application monitoring feature processes traffic in a more sophisticated way. It examines each application's network connections individually and thus can exclude local connections. This enables both the exclusion of LAN traffic and detailed traffic reporting for applications.

Your solution of choosing to monitor the router's WAN interface is indeed correct.
When monitoring the router's external interface (WAN) through UPnP or SNMP, local traffic is not captured because it never passes through that WAN interface. This effectively limits the monitoring to the Internet traffic only, which achieves your goal of excluding local network activity without monitoring applications.

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