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Error INvalid character Line 1 Pos 1 in wifi guard.cfg

11 years ago, by OldNickToo in WiFi Guard Forum

Sorry and thanks. I had the PC set to allow me to _see_ hidden files and folder, but I did not realise there was and "Advanced" _search setting to allow it to _find_ hiddne files and folders. All fixed. Thanks again. Nick

Error INvalid character Line 1 Pos 1 in wifi guard.cfg

11 years ago, by OldNickToo in WiFi Guard Forum

Thanks for the reply. I am actually using XP, not 7 or Vista. But I do know how to show hidden files/folders. Toos/ Folder options/ View/Hidden Files and Folders/ Show Hidden Files and Folders. I have that and I still cannot find the wifi guard.cfg file. Deleting it and hoping it would reinstate itself was my first thought, even though uninstalling and then dumping related files and registry

Error invalid character Line 1 Pos 1 in wifi guard.cfg

11 years ago, by OldNickToo in WiFi Guard Forum

This error pops up every time I try to start WFG. It gives a quite complex d:\...\appdata\wifi guard\wifi guard.cfg listing. I tried reinstalling but got the same error. I did a search on my entire d: drive, but "guard.cfg" return no finds. WFG was working OK until a few days ago, even though my boot drive is d:. The program seems to function OK. It's just that at reboot I always get

network adaptor not available.

11 years ago, by OldNickToo in WiFi Guard Forum

AH. I had to go into settings and actually select the adaptor. So how did it know the "selected adaptor" when I had to select it? Anyway it now works. Nick

Network adapter not available

11 years ago, by OldNickToo in WiFi Guard Forum

I have just installed the latest Wifi Guard, because network was updated and I was invited to install WFG as well. It worked fine last time I tried it. Now it gives the above message, even though that's the network adapter I am using to do all my networking and it allows WFG to go online. It names the network adapter, but says it's not available. Any help appreciated Nick