Best suitable product for analysing data usage of multiple devices

Started by Randall

I am trying to analyse the usage shown by Verizon from my jetpack. I want to know the specific devices using the data and where the data is being used. Are your NetGenius or NetWorx products Windows apps that require the computer be left on? I'm noticing usage at times when the jetpack is powered off as well as a significant increase in throughput after having purchased the jetpack. Verizon is no help. I need a solution that doesn't involve them.
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Re: Best suitable product for analysing data usage of multiple devices   27 December 2019, 11:23

In a common home network it can be difficult to get a comprehensive picture of your data usage, as it often consists of vastly different devices (computers, phones, TVs, gaming consoles, set-top streaming boxes, home appliances, etc).

Whether you choose NetGenius or NetWorx, you can only monitor data on the computers where the application is installed. For example, if you have a Windows PC, Mac laptop, Android phone, iPad, smart TV and some home appliance connected to the Internet, they all run different operating systems, which means no one universal app can be installed on all of them.

With NetGenius, you can monitor Windows computers usage. With NetWorx, you can monitor devices running Windows, macOS or Linux, but not any other devices you may have.

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