How to export traffic usage details, not just summary

Started by Karla Martinez

Karla Martinez

How to export traffic usage details, not just summary   08 January 2020, 11:46

I'm interested in exporting traffic usage details to a CSV file in order to monitor bandwidth usage at a detailed level (for example exporting all details about Google Chrome hosts and bandwidth instead of just the summary). Is there any option to do that in NetGenius?
Thank you in advance.
SoftPerfect Support forum - Andrew avatar image

Re: How to export traffic usage details, not just summary   08 January 2020, 23:12

NetGenius does not keep such details, i.e. what hosts Chrome or any other process connects to. However, we have a similar function in our NetWorx app.

The reasons we did not implement it in NetGenius are: a relatively small demand for such level of details these days, and a potential need for a lot of database space, for example in cases of torrent clients that can connect to hundreds of hosts at the same time and to thousands of hosts in an hour. We have seen databases grow to many gigabytes for some unsuspecting users, following their complaints, and thus decided to forgo this feature in NetGenius.

In other words, while some functionality of NetGenius and NetWorx is similar, NetGenius specialises in controlling Internet traffic and network connectivity of applications and processes, while NetWorx specialty is extensive traffic usage reporting. You may like to have a look at this page for more details on differences between NetWorx and NetGenius.
Karla Martinez

Re: How to export traffic usage details, not just summary   09 January 2020, 02:11

Thank you so much for the information, I'll check NetWorx then. Greetings!

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